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Nur Affatin Afini ♥: March 2012 a:hover {font-size: 25px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration: none;}

New Header! :D

First of all, thanks mama sbb bgi kakcik on9 harini. Heheh. Second, thanks to daughter of Encik Sufian. 
Which is her name is AidaFiana. She's beautiful right? Yeahh! She's superb cool and she's a nice girl :) She make me a header for me. Actually, I ask her can she do for me a header. Then, she said mybe because she had a problem. That time, I feel owhh okayy. I didn't force her to do for me. Lastly, she did it for me. Ohhhmyyy! I like it! Cantik kan? Thanks sis. Hehehe. Okayy now, let's us change. Harini hari yang amat memboringkan sebab bestie aku, tasha. Tak datang skolah. And umairah plak ada hafazan, mmg tak dok dlm klas. Nasib la mira and piqah ada teman aku. Tup-2, ada la dua, tiga, empat, lima makhluk ALLAH ni yg  dok dalam klas aku ni. Pya syiokkk la kutuk aku. Ish-3. Mula-2 tuu aku tak terasa langsung. And then, makin lama rancak miaa dok perli aku. Aku dh tw sapa depa dok kata nuhh. Hebat bak hang set-2 ni. Jenis mulut kata kat org tak sedaq diri depa tuu cne uhh. Aku buat don't know je. Sbb aku tw. Aku tak salah. Btw, thanks bgi pahala kat aku. Aku bngga jugak r sbb hampa dpt dosa kering. Hahahh. Apa-2 pon hampa mmg pelakon terbaekk r. Depan aku pijak semut tak matii oooo. Belakang aku serupa setan gi. Okayy, afini. Stop it. Abaikan dorg and now you have to concentrate on your study. InsyaAllah, kalw ada peluang aku nak bukti kat semua org yg aku pon boleh berjaya. Thanks ya pada sapa-2 yg kata kat aku nuhh. Aku terhutang budi kat hampa. Hahha. K la. See you next time. Daa. Nyte ;)

Can I tell the world that I love you? Seriously, only you in my heart :(